KUD Plac je doslej gostil 5 mladinskih izmenjav z več kot 150 udeleženci.
2011: Youth Exchange: Share a place – create a bench (SI-31-22-2011-R2)
2013: Youth Exchange: Te čele đanglipe (SI-11-E9-2013-R1)
2013: Youth Exchange: FORM a bike – transFORM yourself (SI-31-E2-2013-R1)
2014: Youth Exchange: Healthy spirit – Harmonized world (2014-2-SI02-KA105-000238)
2015: Youth Exchange: Put it on the map (2014-3-SI02-KA105-000778)
Do danes je Kud Plac v tujino poslal preko 200 mladih, na različne projekte (mladinske izmenjave, treningi, razni projekti) po Evropi in Kavkazu.
Naše društvo je tudi akreditirana pošiljajoča, koordinacijska in gostiteljska organizacije EVS službe.
Erasmus+ (former Youth in Action programme)
KUD Plac has hosted 5 Youth Exchanges with more than 150 participants:
2011: Youth Exchange: Share a place – create a bench (SI-31-22-2011-R2)
2013: Youth Exchange: Te čele đanglipe (SI-11-E9-2013-R1)
2013: Youth Exchange: FORM a bike – transFORM yourself (SI-31-E2-2013-R1)
2014: Youth Exchange: Healthy spirit – Harmonized world (2014-2-SI02-KA105-000238)
2015: Youth Exchange: Put it on the map (2014-3-SI02-KA105-000778)
Kud Plac has until present sent abroad around 200 participants to different projects (youth exchanges, trainings, projects) around Europe and Caucasus. KUD Plac is accredited as sending, hosting and coordinating organization for EVS, with 5 hosted volunteers for EVS project “KUD Plac in Action” (from Romania, Italy, France and Spain) in Youth Centre Metlika until present and has also sent 2 volunteers to Former Republic of Macedonia.